

Reflexology is a science and an art based on the principle that the body is reflected in reflex points on the hands and feet.  By applying specific pressure to these reflexes we can bring about healing and body homeostasis in a safe and natural way. 

The oldest known documentation about reflexology  was only discovered in 1979. It  is a scene engraved in the tomb of Ankhmahor, an Egyptian physician who was the second most influential official after the king.   This dates back to 2,500 B.C.  Relexology has stood the test of time and many cultures around the world have used some forms of this therapy. 

Jan has been practicing Reflexology since 1986 where she trained in Australia under the personal tutelage of Dwight Byers, the "godfather" of American Reflexology.  Jan was certified in 1987 by the I.I.R.   Her experience in reflexology techniques range from Ayurveda to Metamorphosis, along with studying Auriculotherapy with Dr Li-Chun Huang,M.D.  She was one of the first to pass certification with the American Reflexology Certification Board. (A.R.C.B) when it was formed in 1996. 

The three primary benefits of reflexology are that it promotes balance and normalization of the body naturally, usually without adverse reactions.  It reduces stress and tension therefore bringing about relaxation and it improves nerve and blood supply thus helping delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the cells. 

"When you've tried the rest, come to the best."